He was on from 1951-1964 in "Watch Mr Wizard" and I know I watched it a bunch, but don't recall many details. There was usually a couple of kids (at least one girl and one boy), and at some point in every show one would say to the other: "Let's ask Mr. Wizard". This makes me wonder if this influenced my life-long interest in science: I never took any Physics, Chemistry or Biology past high shool but I do subscribe to (and read) Scientific American. The Strib account describes the show as a 'fond Baby Boomer memory' so I am sure I'm not alone. He was born in Waconia, MN where my dad had a sailboat for a number of years.
update - here's a posting with much more detail than I could manage: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/marty-kaplan/watch-mr-wizard_b_51964.html
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